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"In three Schreker songs, the musical attributes of this evening's two artists came to the fore. In the Straussian style of "Und wie mag die Liebe," Mr. Feldmann's handsome lyric baritone - and his persuasive way with words - assured us we were in for a great deal of very fine vocalism tonight. Of equal appeal was Mr.LaNasa's playing, especially in the song's postlude. ." --Oberon's Grove

“And –what diction, what sense of narration, everything in the words, the nuances, the look, the body language. No need to understand or know English or German to hear the pain, the exaltation, the transport of love, the hope for the aftermath that manifest themselves in Vaughan Williams and Brahms. The piano becomes a poet, perfectly tuned to the singer.”-- OperaForum
"Feldmann’s voice has a unique and luminous resonance that fit ["Dichterliebe"] perfectly. His voice radiated with a deep assuredness and sense of knowing for every turn along the way, and German diction inflection that would arise. He sang this like he was living it"--OperaWire
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